Equi Youth Group
This youth group is for the 'horse mad' youngsters out there.
But you dont just learn about Horse Care you have Guinea Pigs, Rabbits, Hens, Ducks, Turkeys, Guinea Fowl and of course George and Mildred (our Emus)
Get in touch to find out more TEXT for a call back 07876 593 868.
What goes on?
The group involves Equine Facilitated Learning, animal care, wildlife activities, arts and crafts, gardening and land-management activities.
The programme of activities includes day trips, ride outs and galas at local towns. The project offers social and learning opportunities unique to the area and introduces young people to activities and skills relevant to rural careers.
Outcomes for the weekend groups include improved confidence and self-esteem, communication and social skills.
This Group is lucky enough to be funded by The Holywood Trust and The Lottery Community Fund.
Get in touch to find out more TEXT for a call back 07876 593 868.
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